PerSight® Development Feedback Report
PerSight® Development is a measure of personality that assesses 20 workplace-relevant subtraits organized around five core traits. These subtraits and core traits are based on the Five Factor Model of personality - the most widely supported model of personality in psychological research.
When interpreting your scores, it is important to remember:
- High scores are not necessarily better than low scores. Scores are meant to be descriptive and not evaluative.
- Scores should be interpreted in the context of your occupational role. Different traits are important for different roles and certain levels of traits may be more desirable for some roles than for others.
- Scores are presented as percentages as they relate to others. A low score on a trait means that you scored lower than other respondents but does not imply a level that is "too low".
Word Cloud Snapshot
Below is a word cloud of your responses. The word cloud provides a guide to the adjectives that you indicated were most representative of you. Larger words were rated 'like me':
- more often than other words and
- more quickly than other words
Core Trait Report: An Overview
This report presents feedback on 20 individual subtraits organized around five core traits. Before providing detailed information related to all 20 subtraits, an overview of your standing on the five core traits is presented below. Note that your score represents how you compare to other respondents. For example, a score of 80 means that your scores are higher than 80% of other respondents.
Purchase Full Version
PerSight Development (Full Version)
- View detailed feedback for 20 traits
- See which adjectives are most core to your self-concept
- Save 50% off commercial price using discount code: CCL50
- Click to view an example report